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AD Artbox (Photoshop CS6)

AD Artbox

AD Artbox it’s a new Photoshop CS6 Panel with more than sixty high quality tools for illustrators. Designed for everyday work, each of the tools can be modified from the  “tool presets” window, this way you could, for example, add your favorite brush to the panel or change any of the tools included. Intuitive and easy to use!

AD Artbox Preview

A 30 min. video demo to help you having an approximate idea about how AD Artbox works ():

Help and User Manual:
The download includes a .ZIP (32,5 Mb.) file containing:
the panel AD_Artbox.zxp (32,2 Mb.)
(including a PDF User Manual, patterns, actions and tool presets)
a Read-Me.txt file with installation instructions
and a preview image
This Panel was developed and tested with Adobe Photoshop® CS6 64 & 32 bits
Using Windows 7 with a Pc Intel Core I7 3770 @ 3.40Ghz + 8gb RAM
+ NVIDIA GeForce GT 620 and using a Wacom Intuos 4 tablet
also in a Mac Book Pro with OS X Mountain Lion versión 10.8
with 4 and 16 GB RAM.
AD Artbox and AD Artbox lite have been intensively tested,
but are distributed without any warranty more than the willingness
to help whenever its possible and necessary. There are no refunds.
I highly recommend to TRY the AD Artbox lite before purchase this full version.
You could pay using Paypal (not Paypal Argentina) or Mercado Pago* (Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Banelco, Pago Fácil, Rapipago, Etc.)
*Mercado Pago hará -al momento de recibir el pago- el cambio de dólares a pesos argentinos automáticamente, tomando el cambio oficial del día.
Updated 15/06/2013 16:33 PM

9 Responses to “AD Artbox (Photoshop CS6)

  1. Luis Davila says:

    Hola Alex, en primer lugar felicitarte por tu trabajo y agradecerte infinitamente todos los regalos que nos has estado haciendo estos últimos años en forma de herramientas que nos facilitan el trabajo y nos aportan altas dosis de inspiración y creatividad.
    Acabo de adquirir el AD Artbox y realizado el pago, ¿Cómo descargo ahora el programa?, ¿Me lo enviais al correo?, disculpa por la ignorancia pero es que desconozco el método.

    Un fuerte abrazo

    Luis Davila

  2. Dukal says:

    Gracias Luis!
    Luego de concretar el pago recibirás un correo con el link para descargar el panel, en la misma dirección de e-mail que ingresaste aquí.
    Recomiendo revisar la carpeta de Spam si el mensaje no llega inmediatamente.
    Otro abrazo.

  3. Santiago says:

    Ducal muchas gracias tu aporte me ha devuelto mi fe y amor al arte, muchas gracias en otro momento adquiero el panel completo gracias.

  4. Shane Cottrell says:

    I probably should have asked this before I purchased the artbox, but does it work with Photoshop CC? I assume there is no difference between CS6 and CC

    • Dukal says:

      Hello Shane,

      The AD Artbox Panel is a panel for PS CS6, so it is not compatible with CC.
      That’s clear in the title and in the description:

      “AD Artbox it’s a new Photoshop CS6 Panel.
      NOTE: AD Artbox and AD Artbox lite have been intensively tested, but are distributed without any warranty more than the willingness to help whenever its possible and necessary. There are no refunds.
      I highly recommend to TRY the AD Artbox lite before purchase this full version.”

      There’s a beta version for CC but I’m not having the time to finish it, so I can’t promise when
      it’s going to be downloable. Hope soon!

  5. John Prudence says:

    When I select anything in the Artbox panel I get the following error:

    The command “Select” is not currently available.

    I have read page 12 of your user manual where it addresses this problem, but I don’t understand your solution. What do you mean by “Artbox requires three sets of tools: Patterns, Actions and Preset Tools loaded”?

    How do I load them?

    • Dukal says:

      Hello John,

      1. The ERROR: The command “Select” is not currently available”, is a common thing in Photoshop, not a trouble with the panel.
      Usually this happens when we have activated the option “Current tool only” in the bottom of the Tool Presets window (Window > Tool Presets)
      Just open the Tool presets window and uncheck the “Current tool only” option.

      2. “Artbox requires three sets of tools: Patterns, Actions and Preset Tools loaded”
      AD Artbox automatically install three files in their PS respective folders, one for patterns (.pat), another with actions (.act) and the last one with preset tools (.tpl),
      if -for any reason- you delete or move that files the panel will not work.
      Also, when you load the panel in Photoshop, it search and load that three files in PS (AD patterns, actions and tool presets), so if you replace or delete any of those files while working with the panel, you are going to receive error messages.
      Eg. If you are using the panel and want to load other actions, don’t use the option “Replace actions”, just “Load actions”.
      The same for the patterns and for the tool presets.

      Hope this answer your questions!

  6. Miguel Dipietri says:

    Hola Alex! estoy intetando comprar el pack, pero no me lo permite paypal por ser dos cuentas argentinas. Hay alguna otra forma de realizar el pago? gracias!

    • Dukal says:

      A partir de hoy 31/03/2014 he habilitado la opción de pagos vía Mercado Pago que ofrece muchas variantes (tarjetas de crédito, Rapipago, Pago Fácil, etc.). Pronto habrá mas novedades por aquí! Saludos

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